Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Long Term Care and Palliative Care - Joint Submission to the OEWG

Joint submission by AGE Platform Europe, HelpAge International, The Law in the Service of the Elderly and the National Association of Community Legal Centres Australia
Open-Ended Working Group On Ageing, 9th Working Session, 23-26 July 2018

Long-term care and palliative care

1.       This joint submission is authored by Robin Allen (Cloisters), Andrew Byrnes (Australian Human Rights Institute, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales), Israel (Issi) Doron (University of Haifa), Nena Georgantzi (AGE Platform Europe / National University of Ireland Galway), Bill Mitchell (National Association of Community Legal Centres, Australia) and Bridget Sleap (HelpAge International). Our views do not necessarily reflect the broad and consensual positions of the organisations we represent, which will be submitted separately.

Context of Response
2.       This response addresses the guiding questions from a global perspective. It is an executive summary of a more comprehensive statement which will be provided to the 9th Working Session.

Guiding Question 1: Long-term care
3.       Living independently at any stage of life means the provision of all necessary support to enable one to make decisions, perform actions of daily living and participate in society in accordance with one’s will and preferences.

4.       Support is the act of providing help or assistance to someone who requires it to carry out daily activities and participate in society.  Knowledge about, access to and choice and control over the support necessary to be able to live according to one’s will and preferences is central to autonomy, dignity, and independence in older age.

5.       There is no specific right to support for independent living in older age in international human rights law. A wide range of general provisions in international human rights law are pertinent in long-term care settings but their specific application in this area has yet to be fully explored. Article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2006, which explicitly guarantees the right to independent living for persons with disabilities and includes provision of support services to enable such independent living, applies only to older persons with disabilities.

6.       Some regional human rights standards recognise care and support for independent living in older age. However, these vary and are inconsistent across regions.

Guiding Question 2
7.       Older persons’ choice and control over the support they require is often limited or denied within current systems of long-term care. Support options available may serve the system rather than the individual user’s needs and preferences. Support is also often unavailable and may not be guaranteed under the law. Some types of support, for example, personal assistance schemes, may be subject to upper age limits and therefore not available to older persons. Support may also be unaffordable or tied to particular living arrangements.

8.       The use of restrictive practices to manage behaviour in long-term care and support settings, including within in-home care settings, is a particular concern. Common forms of restrictive practice in long term care include: detention (e.g. locking a person in a room or ward indefinitely); seclusion (e.g. locking a person in a room or ward for a limited period of time); physical restraint (e.g. clasping a person’s hands or feet or mis-use of equipment to stop them from moving); mechanical restraint (e.g. tying a person to a chair or bed); and chemical restraint (e.g. giving a person sedatives or other unnecessary medication to restrict or subdue behaviour). These practices amount to violations of human rights.

9.       Isolation, social exclusion, segregation and loneliness can affect older persons regardless of their particular living arrangements.

Guiding Question 3
10.    Explicit, legally binding international human rights standards are needed on older persons’ right to affordable, appropriate, integrated, quality, timely, holistic, care and support services which are adapted to their individual needs, promote and protect their well-being and maintain their autonomy, dignity, and independence, without discrimination of any kind.

11.    The right should extend to the provision of care and support services in all settings, public and private, including but not limited to in the home, in the community, and in residential settings.

12.    Older persons should have the right to the care and support services they require independent of and unrelated to the income of their family members.

13.    States should take steps to ensure, inter alia, older persons:
·         Enjoy autonomy and independence in the exercise of this right
·         Are able to participate fully in the community and society
·         Have access to effective complaints and redress mechanisms
·         Have access to information about their health status and care and support services

14. States should ensure that standards, professionalism, and quality of care and support services are in line with human rights principles.

15. States should ensure that older persons are not denied necessary and appropriate care and support services based on their and/or their family’s financial means. States should develop and implement policies to address public and private financing of care and support services.

16. States should ensure effective compliance mechanisms for complaints arising out of a range of issues including pricing, quality, and the protection of human rights in care and support.

Guiding Question 5: Palliative care
17. Palliative care is an approach that seeks to improve the quality of life of patients diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses through prevention and relief of suffering. It also addresses the psychosocial, legal and spiritual aspects associated with life-threatening illnesses and end-of-life care.

18. While existing international human rights treaties do not specify a right to palliative care, there is a growing body of authoritative interpretations and “soft law” that establishes this right. Access to palliative care is both a component of the right to the highest attainable standard of health and implicates the right to freedom from torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.

19. Some regional human rights standards recognise the right to palliative care. However, these vary and are inconsistent across regions.

20. International human rights standards are needed on older persons’ right to quality palliative care services that are available, accessible, and acceptable without discrimination of any kind.

21. The right should apply to holistic palliative care in all settings and should not be limited to pain relief or any particular treatment or setting.

22. States should take steps to ensure, inter alia:
·         Quality palliative care services are available, accessible and acceptable for older persons in a setting consistent with their needs, will and preferences, including at home and in long-term care settings
·         Availability and accessibility of essential medicines, including internationally controlled essential medicines, for the treatment of moderate to severe pain, and for palliative care of older persons
·         A range of supports to exercise legal capacity, including the appointment of one or more trusted persons to assist them to make decisions based on their instructions, will and preferences, and the opportunity to make advanced directives, living wills and other legally binding documents that set out their will and preferences around medical interventions, palliative care and other support and care at the end of life
·         Older persons are able to express their free, prior and informed consent to their palliative care treatment and any other health matters
·         Regulation and monitoring of compliance of all palliative care providers with professional obligations and standards.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Equality and Non-Discrimination - Submission to the OEWG

Joint submission by AGE Platform Europe, HelpAge International, The Law in the Service of the Elderly and the National Association of Community Legal Centres Australia
Open-Ended Working Group On Ageing, 9th Working Session, 23-26 July 2018

Normative content on the right of older persons to equality and non-discrimination

This joint submission is authored by Robin Allen (Cloisters), Andrew Byrnes (Australian Human Rights Institute, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales), Israel (Issi) Doron (University of Haifa), Nena Georgantzi (AGE Platform Europe / National University of Ireland Galway), Dee Masters (Cloisters), Bill Mitchell (National Association of Community Legal Centres, Australia) and Bridget Sleap (HelpAge International). Our views do not necessarily reflect the broad and consensual positions of the organisations we represent, which will be submitted separately.

Definition of discrimination
Discrimination against older persons is understood as any differential treatment, including but not limited to any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based directly or indirectly on age or any other ground, which has the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal basis with others, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.

Affirmation of the right
1. Older persons have the right to equality and freedom from discrimination on the basis of their age or on any other ground, alone or in combination with another ground or grounds.

Scope of the right
1.1 The prohibition of, and guarantee of legal protection against, discrimination against older persons shall apply to every aspect of life without limitation.

1.2 The right shall engage all forms of discrimination against older persons including direct, indirect, by association, by perception or imputation, incitement, vilification, victimization, harassment and denial of reasonable accommodation.

1.3 Specific measures which are necessary to accelerate or achieve de facto equality of older persons shall not be considered discrimination.

1.4 The grounds upon which intersectional and cumulative discrimination may occur shall be comprehensive.

State obligations
2. States Parties shall undertake:

2.1 To take all appropriate measures, including legislation, to modify or abolish existing laws, regulations, customs and practices that constitute discrimination against older persons;

2.2 To take all appropriate steps to ensure formal and substantive equality of older persons, including but not limited to a duty to consider the differential impact of all their decisions, in particular age-based policies, on older persons;

2.3 To prohibit and take all steps to eliminate intersectional discrimination, namely the combined effect of age and another personal characteristic or the combined effect of any two or more characteristics;

2.4 To prohibit and take all steps to eliminate cumulative discrimination and victimisation, namely discrimination and or victimization on a number of occasions over time and or from multiple sources;

2.5 To take all appropriate measures to ensure protection for particular groups of older persons who suffer discrimination and denial of rights on heightened or systemic basis and/or as a common experience;

2.6 To take all appropriate steps to eliminate discrimination against an individual and any ageist institutional, systemic or structural practices which affect the human dignity of older persons;

2.7 To take all appropriate steps to eliminate harmful ageist social norms and practices, including traditional practices, which affect the human rights and dignity of older persons;

2.8 To ensure the access of older persons to tailored and comprehensive assistance in making claims and accessing justice;

2.9 To ensure the access of older persons to redress and reparation for age discrimination, including where appropriate taking cumulative discrimination into account in any award of damages;

2.10 To adopt immediate, effective and appropriate measures to promote information, research and public awareness around equality and non-discrimination against older persons, inter alia, by:
·         Raising awareness of the rights, capacities and contribution of older persons
·         Countering any discriminatory systemic ageist perceptions of, and practices towards, older persons
·         Promoting awareness of the benefits of age equality and of investing in older age
·         Promoting a positive image of ageing
·         Undertaking or promoting research on ageing and on issues particularly affecting older persons, and ensuring data is collected, disaggregated, analysed, utilised and disseminated by all ages, and take into account intersectionality
·         Providing accessible, appropriate information to older persons on their rights and entitlement to benefits and resources
·         Engaging and making older persons partners and active participants in shaping social policies and public programmes which relate to their rights and interests
·         Promoting intergenerational interactions and solidarity.